Amazon Listings
Done Better

For eCom Brands Agencies CPG Brands Brands We Love ❤️

Your go-to Amazon creative team.
(No retainers required, click below for a custom quote.)

Daniela Bolzmann Founder of Mindful Goods Amazon Creative Agency

Want to sell more on the world’s #1 marketplace?

Get better product pages & storefronts by creative marketers who make your products stand out & SELL!

Testimonial from Amazon's Mike Monson for Mindful Goods Creative Services
Mindful Goods testimonial from CPG brand 88 Acres for Amazon pdp optimization
Testimonial from a CPG Founder for Amazon creative services
Testimonial from an Digital Marketing Agency owner after Mindful Goods optimized the Amazon storefront for their client
Testimonial from an eCommerce Manager after working with Mindful Goods to optimize his Premium A+ content and conduct split testing for his supplement brand
Testimonial from VP of CPG brand Pop Chips after doubling conversion rates across entire catalog on Amazon
Testimonial from CPG Founder after having her Amazon product page optimized

Ready to sell more on Amazon?


Ready to sell more on Amazon? 〰️

Join Hundreds of Happy Brands

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What Is Amazon Listing Optimization?

In a Nutshell…

Listing Optimization:

It’s the fluffy word that Amazon experts like to throw around 50x in a conversation without being specific. 

But you know what it really is?

It’s all those improvements you KNOW you should be making to your Amazon product pages and storefront… because you know the impact they can make on your revenue… but you aren’t because you don’t have the bandwidth or expertise to do them?

We’re that team.

We developed the BUY NOW Method to optimize EVERY piece of your Amazon listings, to help you stand out and sell more.

Amazon Product Images That Sell

Amazon A+ Content That Converts

Amazon Storefronts That Engage

Make a Great First Impression

Your Amazon storefront can often times be your first impression and your best salesperson rolled into one.

Elevate your storefront with:

⚡ Custom Imagery: Use unique, brand-specific images throughout your storefront to capture interest.

⚡ Animation and Movement: Integrate videos & GIFs to create a dynamic browsing experience.

⚡ Mobile Optimization: For mobile devices, where more than 70% of customers shop.

⚡ Engagement and Fun: Incorporate UGC content to infuse fun from your own community.

 How It Works…

Book a call & we’ll build you a custom proposal.


Click to order & tell us about your brand via our form.


Our creative directors will create a custom strategy.


We’ll share creative brief & drafts within 10-12 days.


You’ll share your feedback & we’ll deliver the goods.

Join 500+ eCommerce Brands

Here are some of the specific
Amazon optimizations we do daily:

 🏄🏽‍♀️ A/B testing main images to improve click through rate

🏄🏽‍♀️ SEO keyword research to get found

🏄🏽‍♀️ Flavorful persuasive sales copy to improve conversion

🏄🏽‍♀️ Powerful product images add engagement 

🏄🏽‍♀️ Compelling custom A+ Content to boost sales

🏄🏽‍♀️ Custom storefronts that nurture, build trust & convert

What Clients Are Saying

Content That Creates Results

On average, 82% of clients see a lift in sales

60% see a sales increase of 20-1000% within 30 days of uploading

Success Rate

A Closer Look at the Goods  

Optimized product images for Amazon

Product Images

THE WHAT: Amazon product images are the first thing shoppers see when they enter your product page. EACH & EVERY image should be serving a function towards improving conversion.

THE HOW: Share your product photography with us and watch us take your product images from zero to hero with show & tell images that use a mix of product in use and lifestyle infographics.

BONUS: High quality stock photography is included in all packages.

Optimized SEO Listing Copy

SEO Listing Copy

THE WHAT: Amazon is a search engine, which means it relies on keywords within your listing to help you get found in the search results page.

THE HOW: We always start with compelling copy that converts and then infuse keywords from our extensive research. Our SEO research involves a combination of internal and external Amazon data to understand how and why shoppers might search, find and buy your particular products while also reverse engineering the top sellers in your category.

BONUS: Using our Title calculator we build you two titles so that you can immediately run a split test with Amazon Experiments, where Amazon will tell you the title that will earn you the most revenue.

Enhanced Main Images with Split Testing

Enhanced Main Images

THE WHAT: The Hero image is the product on white image that draws shoppers to click into your Amazon product listing from the search results. Optimizing main images is the #1 way to improve your click through rate.

THE HOW: Our goal is steal clicks from the competition. To do this, we create 2 click-worthy concepts with “eye candy.” Use them to run your own Amazon Experiment and let Amazon tell you which main image will bring you the most sales. Renders are included if recommended by our Creative Directors.

Includes split testing via PickFu for instant quantitative & qualitative feedback from 50 Amazon Prime shoppers.

Best Premium A+ Content Design Services

Premium A+ Content

THE WHAT: One of the best ways to improve the performance of your listing is with A+ Content (EBC). Brands upgrading from basic to Premium A+ are seeing up to 300% increase in sales.

THE HOW: Our signature strategy with A+ Content is using large banners to create a scroll-stopping landing page effect. We’ll create stunning graphics and backend keywords to improve your organic SEO reach. You’ll get two sets of content optimized for mobile and desktop.

BRAND STORY: As a bonus, we’ll even help you unlock your Premium A+ content & dial out your brand story.

Best Storefront Design Services for Amazon

Storefront Homepage

THE WHAT: Your storefront is the ONLY space to share your brand story without being interrupted by advertising from competitors. It’s also where google shoppers are directed before they hit your product page.

THE HOW: From head to toe, we obsess over every detail of your storefront from layout strategy to the modules we select. We then design each tile for a completely custom look.

Every storefront homepage we design includes 1-2 animated gifs for a more engaging experience.

We’re Setting the Standard for Scroll Stopping Amazon Content

We’re a proud Amazon Services Verified Partner

Our work has been showcased by Amazon calling it “Exemplary Product Pages ( 👈🏽they said it, not us).

That’s right, Amazon wants more brands to stand out. We’re here to show you the formula.

Feeling Extra?

Try one of favorite add-on services

Lacking video content?

The Mindful Video 3-Pack for Amazon

User-generated videos are where it's at when it comes to educating, engaging, and converting shoppers.

Lacking lifestyle images?

The Mindful Photoshoot for Amazon

Take your creative to the next level with custom imagery. Let us build you a full catalog of images.

 Get It Done Right.

👯  Too many Amazon products look exactly the same!

🔎 Customers will never find you in the millions of products on Amazon.

💃🏿 It’s vital that your product stands out and attracts customers.

👋🏽  Fortunately, we can help!

Get in touch today, it’s never too early or late to optimize!


Join 500+ eCommerce Brands

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Final revisions are delivered in .ai /.psd and png/jpeg formats so you can make changes at any time and use for your website. Each order also includes any stock images we purchased for your project.

  • All we need is a couple hi-res product images. From there, we can source stock imagery which is included in all of our packages. OR you can add-on a photoshoot and we'll load you up with tons of content you can choose from. Book a call with us to learn more.

  • Simply upload them to your account! We'll include a tutorial to show you the exact steps. If you want us to do it for you we charge an additional $250-$500.

  • Product images are the images at the top left of your Amazon page. They are the images that shoppers click and scroll through to lear more about your product - BUT ONLY if you have visuals that are click worthy.

  • Sure, for getting started product images work. But without optimizing product images you are likely leaving money on the table and wasting ad spend on a listing that is underperforming.

  • On average, complete content for one sku can take 4-6 weeks. Storefront and variations take an additional 2-3 weeks.

  • For select brands and depending on demand, we sometimes offer A+ content as a stand alone service. Book a call with us to see if we can help.

  • At this time, we only support content for Amazon.

  • We do not help with sourcing and only work with clients that have a physical product ready to sell. Our best clients are already selling on Shopify and have some basic lifestyle imagery.

  • At this time we do not offer account management services in house but some of our team members do offer account management to our clients. See our Account Management page for more details.

  • Our packages focus on the first sku. After that, additional category/products* are $1500 & Additional variations are$750 p/sku.

Why Brands Choose Us

After optimizing product pages and storefronts for hundreds of brands we’ve learned a thing other thing or two.



Plain-jane listings only get you so far. We create drool worthy content with our BUY NOW Method.



From overhauling 7-8 figure brands or launching new products, we deliver data-driven content.


Other agencies do all-things-digital. Our focus on optimization has become our superpower.



We’re all about systems and feedback loops, with weekly updates to keep your project on track.



We stay up on the hair-pulling compliance requirements for Amazon so you don’t have to.



A best-in-class creative team, aligned with a common passion to support brand builders.

Daniela Bolzmann Founder of Mindful Goods Amazon Creative Agency  and SEO Optimization

👋🏾Hiya! I'm Daniela,

I started Mindful Goods in 2017, after 10+ years of marketing led me to eCommerce. I quickly noticed that many brands were paying tens of thousands in retainers to full service agencies, but didn’t have the content they needed to actually meet their performance goals.

I decided to change that with our done-for-you Amazon creative packages. Now brands come to us at all stages of their Amazon journey for better Amazon product pages & storefronts.

We’re female led with a best in class creative team located across 7+ countries — all aligned in our passion to support brands.

I'm a SoCal native, Chicago transplant, currently living in Peru. When I’m not helping brands, you can find me jigsaw puzzling or hanging with my frenchie “Piggy Smalls”.

If you’re a brand builder making an impact, we’re here for you.

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Three More Ways I Can Help You

1. BUY NOW Training

See how our clients are getting their insane results with this FREE masterclass.


2. The Mini Audit

Get our expert eyes on your product page for a detailed list of recommendations.


3. The Mini Course

The exact tutorials we use to train our team & achieve crazy results for clients.


But wait there’s more…

Client Love

Testimonial from Senior Marketing Manager of CPG brand on Amazon Fresh
Testimonial from Entrepreneur for Amazon Consulting